From Feb to June 2012, we made some trips to the respective childcare centres, here are some of them:
Bethel Day Care Centre
12 Jalan Lateh. With transport.
$370 after subsidy
Tel: 62885078/62823121
We quite like this area and like the idea that Imm can be exposed to a Christian environment.
Bright Juniors @ SC Pte Ltd
Blk 255 Serangoon Central Drive
Tel: 62811173
$420 after subsidy
This place is very convenient as it is near to our parents place. Our parents can drop by to sneak a peep at Imm anytime :P
My First Skoolhouse at Serangoon Ave 3 (NTUC)
Waiting for their reply. Also a convenient area and the place looked nice and clean.
Bethany Child Care Centre
Blk 127 Serangoon North Ave 1.
Not really what we wanted and there was no transport.
School house By The Garden
12 Phillips Ave
Tel: 62808562
$580 after subsidy
It is situated in a terrace house, place is very bright and nice but a little cramped.
Preschool by the park @ Li Hwan
2 Li Hwan View
$850 after subsidy, no transport
Shopping for childcare
Nurturing Confidence in your Child (talk) - Fiona Walker
Labels: fiona walker, Nurturing Confidence in your Child, raise a little thinker, smart parenting congress 2012
Learning Snippets from Fiona Walker, Principal of Schools, Julia Gabriel Education
Self esteem is about knowing oneself and being confident about the strengths and limitations ones have.
Confidence recipe - ingredients
- Attachment bonds (don't threaten the baby about isolation)
- Individuality
- Time to build mastery
- Establish routines
- Opportunities to build social skills
- Exposure to new experiences
- Emphathetic listening (be present)
- A loving family (be an example as well)
- Consistency
Do celebrate any small progress made by the child even though it might not be what you have expected.
Do celebrate any small progress made by the child even though it might not be what you have expected.
Feeding Your Child's Brain for Success: Multiple Micronutrients or A Magic Bullet - Dr Low Kah Tzay
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3:46 PM
SMART PARENTING CONGRESS 2012 - Raise a Little Thinker
Dr Low Kah Tzay, Paediatrician Mt Elizabeth Hospital
Baby has greatest density of brain cells by age 3
Breast feed for at least 6 months
Repeat offer for good food 20 times in 20 different ways
Always give breakfast
Snacks are important as children have smaller stomachs
Give low GI foods so that they will have a constant level of energy
Show by example for good eating habits
Dr Low Kah Tzay, Paediatrician Mt Elizabeth Hospital
Baby has greatest density of brain cells by age 3
Breast feed for at least 6 months
Repeat offer for good food 20 times in 20 different ways
Always give breakfast
Snacks are important as children have smaller stomachs
Give low GI foods so that they will have a constant level of energy
Show by example for good eating habits
Understanding Early Brain Development (talk) - Dr Phuah Huan Kee
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2:40 PM
Learning Snippets from Dr Phuah Huan Kee, Paediatrician, Mt Elizabeth Hospital
Babies's brain are not fully developed at birth.
Early brain development is simply a wiring process - synapses formation and myeline formation (protection). From 3 - 26 years, pruning happens rapidly to weed out unnecessary connections and strengthening important ones.
Important to reinforce via frequency and emphasis so that the pruning is optimized. Ensure that the process is enjoyable.The key is exposure, not hothousing.
Developmental milestones highlighted (discrepancies of 3 months are ok). 3 main domains to note:
- motor skillls
- speech and language
- social and emotional interaction
Developmental delay - Isolated or Grouped (austism or brain disorder)
Autism - diagnose it at 18 months (for social and emotional interaction). Check developmental milestones
Dyspraxia (developmental coordination disorder) - check for clumsiness after 3 years of age
To optimize brain development
- healthy diet (breast milk especially)
- healthy body (vaccinations)
- healthy and nurturing environment
How to Multiply your Child's Intelligence (talk) - Janet Doman
Posted by
2:06 PM
Learning Snippets from Janet Doman, Director of Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
Children learns more in the first 6 years than the rest of their lives.
Let children use all their 5 senses to maximize their learning experience. Often than not, we are stumbling blocks to that.
We are our child's greatest teacher because of the love we have for them, not because of our knowledge.
We have to enjoy our time together as a family because children learn most when they enjoy what they are doing. Social interaction (family) multiplies that. Singaporeans have to learn how to slow down.
Singaporeans tend to oursource the learning of our child. We have to get involved and insource this as much as possible.
5 Steps to Learning
Children have very short attention span so our way of teaching (long periods of time) may not be catered for them. We can teach in short spurts and small amounts of time.
We do not need to test the children to see if they learn. They will create problems to solve themselves. They play.
You can differentiate between an intellectually starved child and an intellectually stimulated child. The latter always asks and wants to know more. The former wants to do the same thing over and over again and not do anything else.
TV is not good for children.
Ipad/Iphones are great but beware of the radiation. Expose them only after 3 years old if possible.
Phonetics is just a means to learn language. The focus is to be natural and the child will learn naturally.
This Squidoo Lens is fantastic and also touches on some of the above.
When our home was burglarized....
Labels: break in, burglary serangoon, burglary singapore, serangoon break inOn the very first day of my reservist training, Addy and I came back to our house, only to find our private space invaded.
3 laptops gone and about $600 worth of cash.
Whilst I was concern about the data privacy of our personal information being compromised in our laptops, Addy was fearful of the physical intrusion of privacy in our home. Imagine a stranger rummaging through your belongings, standing in your bedroom and looking at your life, it does give one the shudders.
It was quite an adventure calling 999 and having 10 officers visiting our home that evening, with the whole works of questioning, dusting the place for fingerprints and photo taking. Apparently, it is the first burglary in our neighbourhood. Despite the our window grill being damaged, the hole is a bit too small and that our external glass pane was not breached for a break-in via that way. The police premised that the intruder entered via the main door.
Our broken window grill from the outside
The whole episode was pretty disruptive, and that is what I did for my reservist. My Navy family was kind enough to release me; a part of me wanted to go for reservist as a holiday break..
We had to replace all our locks, change our grills to the wrought iron type, put up a CCTV thingy with signs. To allay our fears, we are going to put up an alarm system and buy an enhanced insurance plan. So much for staying in a 3 room flat.
But more, the incident made me think that there are indeed selfish people out there trying to take advantage of us. And our responses are reactionary - suspicious of our neighbours, being skeptical of others, walling up our houses physically and thinking that the world is more evil than we thought it is. I wonder how better to reflect on the incident to see how we can better learn from it and be more Christian. It is certainly very hard, trying not to curse and swear at that unknown person.
Whilst we try to gain back some normalcy in our lives, we thank everyone for showing their concern and that our family is at least safe. Whilst we sustained some lost memories and heartache, experienced lots of inconvenience and losing money, we hope this can be a warning to all around us to be watchful.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
Labels: how to apply for LPA, lasting power of attorney, LPA, office of the public guardian, OPG
Addy works in a hospice setting and came across many cases where LPA was not appointed for patients who has lost their mental capacity. The downsides are numerous but they boil down to 2 essential parts.
The first about personal care but this aspect matters lesser as family members are generally able to make such decisions for you. This would apply more when you do not have family members or would like a close friend to make such decisions for you.
The second is about personal assets. Even family members have little control over your assets if you have lost your mental capacity. There are horror stories of family members having great difficulty to utilize the affected's CPF to pay for medical bills or sale of assets to do the same. This is the hassle you would have to leave behind for your loved ones.
Addy and I are thinking to appoint designate our LPAs soon, just in case. Seems like we can appoint up to 5 people.
Generally, the steps to do so are:
1. Complete the forms from the Office of the Public Guardian
2. Visit a doctor, lawyer or psychiatrist with the necessary documents for certification issuance (essentially to indicate that you are sane and not under duress)
3. Notify your appointed members
4. Fill up the LPA form
5. Book an appointment and submit the application at the Office of the Public Guardian.
Cost varies depending on who you see to issue the certificate and how detailed you allocate the powers to your different appointed members. You can refer to this page for the relevant details.
Some may debate the necessity of this given that we should place our trust in God. But similar to insurance, what you are doing is planning for the benefit of your loved ones.
The first about personal care but this aspect matters lesser as family members are generally able to make such decisions for you. This would apply more when you do not have family members or would like a close friend to make such decisions for you.
The second is about personal assets. Even family members have little control over your assets if you have lost your mental capacity. There are horror stories of family members having great difficulty to utilize the affected's CPF to pay for medical bills or sale of assets to do the same. This is the hassle you would have to leave behind for your loved ones.
Addy and I are thinking to appoint designate our LPAs soon, just in case. Seems like we can appoint up to 5 people.
Generally, the steps to do so are:
1. Complete the forms from the Office of the Public Guardian
2. Visit a doctor, lawyer or psychiatrist with the necessary documents for certification issuance (essentially to indicate that you are sane and not under duress)
3. Notify your appointed members
4. Fill up the LPA form
5. Book an appointment and submit the application at the Office of the Public Guardian.
Cost varies depending on who you see to issue the certificate and how detailed you allocate the powers to your different appointed members. You can refer to this page for the relevant details.
Some may debate the necessity of this given that we should place our trust in God. But similar to insurance, what you are doing is planning for the benefit of your loved ones.
Our Wedding Bands - Rosary Rings
Labels: customized wedding rings, design rosary rings, rosary wedding rings, singapore customize rings
We got our wedding bands custom-made from eClarity.
They have a shop at Shaw Centre itself where you have to make an appointment to see.
We designed our wedding bands after rosary rings as they would continue to serve to remind us of our faith and that it is the extra sticky glue that seals our bonds. Rosaries especially due to our affinity to Mother Mary.
I love rosary rings that can rotate on an inner rings so that's how we communicated our design to the capable Amanda who oversaw the customising of our rings. Service was fantastic and she did not even flinch when we asked for a redesign because the first cut was not good. Would definitely recommend eClarity to anyone who would want to customize rings, not to mention Rosary rings, since they have done it before.
*one of the diamonds came off already. Prob it is time to go for maintenance.
They have a shop at Shaw Centre itself where you have to make an appointment to see.
We designed our wedding bands after rosary rings as they would continue to serve to remind us of our faith and that it is the extra sticky glue that seals our bonds. Rosaries especially due to our affinity to Mother Mary.
I love rosary rings that can rotate on an inner rings so that's how we communicated our design to the capable Amanda who oversaw the customising of our rings. Service was fantastic and she did not even flinch when we asked for a redesign because the first cut was not good. Would definitely recommend eClarity to anyone who would want to customize rings, not to mention Rosary rings, since they have done it before.
*one of the diamonds came off already. Prob it is time to go for maintenance.
‘Yes, I Do!’ Wedding Show 2012 at Raffles Town Club
Labels: singapore wedding show, wedding showWedding Show @ Seb's Bistro - 24Mar2012 - Chocolate Theme!
Posted by
12:48 PM
Who wants to get married on 12/12/12 and be sponsored for it!
Posted by
12:36 PM
I remember on 10 October 2010, we got married legally (not the church wedding) at Sentosa. It was a mass wedding of sorts. The 10.10.10 date was auspicious and the day was a blast.
The 12.12.12 date will definitely be a super blast because it will be the last one too. The first event riding on this I see is this wedding sponsorship. I am sure there will be more, like a mass wedding event again.
The 12.12.12 date will definitely be a super blast because it will be the last one too. The first event riding on this I see is this wedding sponsorship. I am sure there will be more, like a mass wedding event again.
Rethinking Employment
Labels: career reflection, employment reflection, top 20 companies, top 20 companies 2011, top companies to work in singapore, Work–life balanceImage via Wikipedia |
If I am set to retire at 65, i am left with 83% of a career left. But that depends on how I see it, a means to be gainfully employed and have a "purpose in work" or just a means to bring the dough home for the family. Ideally, it needs to be both. Just as being Christian needs to pervade all parts of one life, the meaning of a job affects the dough, family, friends, personal health etc.
The recent months has left me contemplating about the meaning of a job to me - the whole works of learning, what i will be 5 years down the road, of loyalty to an organisation etc. Seeking for third party advice, I have spoken to numerous friends with varying answers. Of which the most common is "you have to search deeper". I know that, but it clarifies to have people bounce it back to you.
Today I asked Uncle Google for some directions and got some interesting information which I thought could provide more materials for self-reflection.
Top 10 Happiest Jobs
One job that stood out is Financial Service Sales Agents, which I think it means Wealth Relationship Manager?
But the commonalities revolve around meaning and relationships more than money.
Top 10 Hated Jobs
Commonalities are lack of progression, boredom, odd/long working hours, lack of appreciation/understanding, lack of direction.
Asiaone's article on the top 20 best companies to work at hits the nail spot on when it says that work life balance is the most important attribute.
Well, if one is to look for another job, analytically speaking, one should aim for
1. An industry with high profit margins for the income portion
2. A top recognised company to look good in future resumes
3. A job that has "work life balance"
A good reference from Yahoo News. Though I am in one of them, criterion (3) which is important to me is starting to fail badly. It is purely a matter of circumstance and seen relatively. If one does not have a family, possibly long hours are ok.
Well, it is something to mull about more.
Consulting Uncle Google just gives me more information. I need to consult my heavenly boss for a clearer direction on what I should do for my family and myself.
*yea.. no time to even blog.