In the meantime, we have written an email to the Taiwanese photo studio people on the themes we would like to see in our photoshoot. It's still quite hazy at the moment because we do not really know what is nice at Taiwan. But for ourselves, we have already set the kind of feel we would like to have - a more childlike, innocent and cute kind of photos. The "fun fun kind", yes.
We think it is important to know what we want before we go ahead. The below is subject to further refining later on too, after considering their inputs too.
Writing in Chinese is a chore but the below is our email to them for future referencing. Hope it paints an overarching idea of what we want. Leave comments if you could too!
*We acknowledge the photos taken from other websites for samples. Some of them are really good like Allen Hsu and Jose Paula.
Click here to read the whole post
Dear Sammy,
Happy Chinese New Year to you! Are you having a long holiday now?
我們很抱歉這麼晚與您聯繫。因為我們真的不知道在台灣什麼是最好 的,所以苦腦一段時間。台灣的一切都非常好,一切看起來不錯。
We are sorry to contact you so late. We were having problems on deciding what we want for our photoshoot because we do not really know what is best in Taiwan. Everything looks nice.
基本上,我們已經討論和考慮到了幾個主題。這些主題可以組合, 例如日落和碼頭或海上和山區。我們還希望我們的照片的主題是可愛 ,天真和無辜。 :)
Basically, we have discussed and have several themes in mind. The themes can be combined, for example sunset and pier or sea and mountains. We also hope that our general photo theme is more cute, childlike and innocent. :)
1. Sunset/Dawn (黃昏 /黎明)
Dear Sammy,
Happy Chinese New Year to you! Are you having a long holiday now?
We are sorry to contact you so late. We were having problems on deciding what we want for our photoshoot because we do not really know what is best in Taiwan. Everything looks nice.
Basically, we have discussed and have several themes in mind. The themes can be combined, for example sunset and pier or sea and mountains. We also hope that our general photo theme is more cute, childlike and innocent. :)
1. Sunset/Dawn (黃昏 /黎明)
我們喜歡夕陽,希望捕捉紅色色調的夕陽 /黎明。它的意義是:將開始一個新的黎明,或在一起生活直到我們 生命的夕陽。
We like the sunset and hope to capture the red hues of the sunset/dawn. Its significance would be beginning a new dawn together or living till the sunset in our lives.
We like the sunset and hope to capture the red hues of the sunset/dawn. Its significance would be beginning a new dawn together or living till the sunset in our lives.
2. Sea/lake/beach (海/湖/海灘)
We like the blue of the sky and the reflection of the water. It would be fantastic
(Below) This photo angle/perspective is very nice.
3. Railway (鐵路)
A marriage is like a journey. We would like to capture that with a traditional railway train if possible. More sky the better because it makes it bright.
4. Pier or Boat Ride (碼頭 /船乘)
Similar to the railway train. This allows us to capture the sunset/dawn and sea at the same time.
5. Nature/ Flower Field (大自然/花田)
花卉領域的紫色或黃色的顏色是非常好看。如果我們可以躺在領域, 那就最好!
Flower fields with purple or yellow colour is very nice looking. Something we can lie on.
Flower fields with purple or yellow colour is very nice looking. Something we can lie on.
6. Mountains/sky (山/天)
This is cute.
7. Bridges (橋)
橋連接人; 橋也連接的心。
Bridges connect people; they connect hearts.
Bridges connect people; they connect hearts.
Nice shot capturing nature and mountains too.
Nice shot capturing nature and mountains too.
8. Balloons (氣球)
We think the cuteness can be enhanced by using props like balloons.

Balloons at the beach
We think the cuteness can be enhanced by using props like balloons.
Balloons at the beach
Combining a little nature with balloons
Combining a little nature with balloons
We hope you can help us combine the above themes and suggest the best locations.
當我們在台灣 2009年3月23日,我們可以討論更多有關類型的衣服,
When we are in Taiwan on 23 March 2009, we can discuss more on the types of clothes to match the different scenes.
Do let us know if this is possible with the locations you have in mind. We can communicate more by email.
Thank you thank you!
Paul and Adeline 瑞显 和 婉婷
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