Coincidentally, it was also the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul. A nice start to it all with religious significance.
The collection of keys happens on the 2nd appointment. Mine was at 3.45pm but apparently, you can even come earlier.
The whole process was a breeze and significantly faster than the 1st appointment where the HDB officer has to explain all the details to you. The officer tending to us was very fast and zipped through everything. He assumes we have read through everything and just asked us if we have any queries. Only important stuff are emphasized like bill payments, what to bring esp the documents etc.
The 2nd appointment took only 5 mins with all the keys handed over to us.
The sellers just proceeded upstairs to collect their cheque.
Just one note on the utilities (which was a breeze in admin too).
If the sellers have not terminated their services, you can do direct transfer at the SP Services section in HDB Hub located at the 2nd level near the Resale section. I believe this will cost you less because you don't have to reinstate the power, gas and water. However, you do need the readings from the flat and the signature of the sellers so this definitely has to be done beforehand. (I wonder why our housing agents did not advise us this).
The way we did was to reapply as the services were terminate. I cannot emphasize how easy it is.
- Just take a queue number,
- to go to the counter when called,
- fill in a simple document and let them know your address.
- GIRO application can be done on the spot (with just your ATM card, you don't have to even remember your bank a/c number).
- Arrange a time for the SP Services pple to go to the flat to activate the utilities (mine will take a week)
- Reinstatement payment of $70 will be deducted upon activation.
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