Reunion Dinner 2011 @ Soup Restaurant 三盅两件 (Paragon)

. Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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My family booked 2 tables to celebrate our reunion dinner together today.

The menu can be found on the left.

Food was fantastic (especially the speciality Samsui Chicken and the soup) however the service was left much to be desired.

There were 3 sessions of meals they packed into the whole dinner time. Our session was the first from 530pm to 7pm.

Given that they served dinner slower (took so long after the Lo Hei for the dishes to be served!), the service staff were not apologetic for rushing us through our dinner.

Moreover, tea were not topped up regularly, plates not cleared sufficiently fast plus the lack of smiles. There was once when one of them broke a plate and even used our own wet towels (tear open an unused one and wiped the tables!) to clear the pieces. And comeon, asking our domestic helper to help clear the pieces as well...

My cousin in law called the manager to feedback on the service level.

If the first session is like that, I cannot imagine when they have worked till the last session.

CNY is supposed to be a time for the family to gather and enjoy themselves. And paying a premium price at least deserves a decent level of service.

Great for the food, but perhaps for festive occasions, a place to avoid unless you are really just aiming for the food.


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