"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 26 - 31

. Sunday, April 6, 2014

*din record the the previous few days 

3 Gratitudes for Day 26 - Mon
1. Finishing my Outlook Article
2. Being able to visit legion meeting
3. Attending mass

3 Gratitudes for Day 27 - Tues
1. For the gift of health - was sick!

3 Gratitudes for Day 28 - Wed
1. For being able to ear - left ear is painful. infection...

3 Gratitudes for Day 29 - Thurs
1. That I saw a doctor before things got worse!
2. Got pampered in office
3. Slept early - no choice

3 Gratitudes for Day 30 - Fri
1. For good faculties. Can even drive despite my condition. Thank God for good roads. 

3 Gratitudes for Day 31 - Sat
1. Slept in!
2. Did NO work at all
3. Revisited playing some nice games :)

"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 19 - 21

. Thursday, March 27, 2014

3 Gratitudes for Day 19 - Mon
1. For a new exciting week!

3 Gratitudes for Day 20 - Tues
1. An awesome day at the airport
2. SQCPT 20th anniversary
3. Meeting 3 PPS

3 Gratitudes for Day 21 - Wed
1. Being on leave at home
2. Eating KFC for lunch
3. Seeing my family over SKYPE

"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 14 - 18

. Monday, March 24, 2014

3 Gratitudes for Day 14 - Wed
1. A productive NSM
2. Having a confirmed flight back to Cape Town, though it was really late
3. For a really nice bed that I can sleep in

3 Gratitudes for Day 15 - Thurs
1. Did most planning for work's 20th anniversary
2. For a nice boss who asked how you are
3. That I had a crazy but fruitful week

3 Gratitudes for Day 16 - Fri
1. Cleared most of my reporting!
2. It is public holiday :):)
3. Did housework and feel that the house is nice and tidy

3 Gratitudes for Day 17 - Sat
1. Cooked onion/potato soup + rosti. The latter was terrible despite my 2nd time. Wonder what went wrong
2. Spoke to family!
3. Rested the whole day!

3 Gratitudes for Day 18 - Sun
1. Went for ACIES. Felt so moved. :)
2. Entirely saved tons of $$ this week because I am trying to clear the food in the house. Waste less. 
3. Generally for the gift of faith

"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 8 - 13

. Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3 Gratitudes for Day 8 (Thurs):
1. Going for an Indian Fashion show
2. Meeting some Taiwanese friends
3. Had a nice long walk

3 Gratitudes for Day 9 (Fri):
1. Being able to get away early 
2. Visiting the convention centre :)
3. It's the weekend!!!!!! 

3 Gratitudes for Day 10 (Sat):
1. Going out for a long walk again and nua-ed most of the day
2. Attended mass
3. Discovering a nice game on facebook. hehe.

3 Gratitudes for Day 11 (Sun):
1. Completed a decent amount of work
2. Stuffed myself silly
3. Being able to talk to imm imm for some time

3 Gratitudes for Day 12 (Mon):
1. Finally settling my new accommodation in Cape Town!
2. Coming more to terms with the things i cannot do
3. For the gift of kids!

3 Gratitudes for Day 13 (Tues):
1. Managed to come to JNB for meeting
2. Able to meet Richard and gang before they flew off (nice that my flights were delayed!)
3. Having a good talk on work with my boss

"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 6/7

. Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Gratitudes for Day 6 (Tues):
1. Being able to sleep early and feeling rested the next day
2. That my kids are doing well at home
3. For being able to accept that things that will almost never go my way.

3 Gratitudes for Day 7 (Wed):
1. Having my hair cut at a good rate
2. For having the ability to buy people lunch
3. Otah for dinner!

"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 5

. Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What a day today. 8.5hrs straight non-stop but it was good.

Trying to put into practice the 4-hr work week principles and check emails only for 2 times a day. It's sure hard when people are asking you to do things. Perhaps I have to tell people about my new practice as what the book recommends.

Whilst I am fighting my battles here, Wifey is also fighting her own battles at home in Singapore. I mean, with the 2 young kids, things are not easy at all. I guess the main thing is that you cannot choose when to switch off, because parenthood is 24/7. And it is nearly like single parenthood for her. For me, I can still come back home and "switch off" when  I cannot take it.

I miss the kids though. Koko is extremely cute!

3 Gratitudes for Day 5 (Mon):
1. Setting out clear plans for the week ahead!
2. Stumbling upon my 4hr workweek book
3. Knowing that I always have food on the table.

Restart For Lent - "The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 2 - 4

. Monday, March 10, 2014

3 Gratitudes for Day 2 (Fri):
1. Meeting Mrs Sugie for lunch
2. Coming to terms that there is so much I can do
3. that it is the weekend

3 Gratitudes for Day 3 (Thurs):
1. Meeting Richard and his singaporean friends for lunch
2. Rediscovering the wonders of ipad
3. Talking at length to wifey

3 Gratitudes for Day 4 (Thurs):
1. Being able to sleep in till 11am!
2. Having an awesome dinner of ba zhang and har kow
3. having me-time today

Restart for Lent - "The Happy Secret to Better Work"

. Friday, March 7, 2014

44/365: bringing in the lenten season
44/365: bringing in the lenten season (Photo credit: Jess Gambacurta)
Been long since I posted on this blog again. Never seem to have the time or energy. Last post was nearly a year ago :)

Many things have changed. Including moving from one country to another, having another kid and taking on a new role.

3 Gratitudes for Day 1 (Thurs):
1. I had more energy for work
2. Met up with some awesome people wanting to collaborate with me in my work
3. Being able to restart this again

Exercise : Yes

Random Act of Kindness : Bought colleague lunch!
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