"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 26 - 31

. Sunday, April 6, 2014
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*din record the the previous few days 

3 Gratitudes for Day 26 - Mon
1. Finishing my Outlook Article
2. Being able to visit legion meeting
3. Attending mass

3 Gratitudes for Day 27 - Tues
1. For the gift of health - was sick!

3 Gratitudes for Day 28 - Wed
1. For being able to ear - left ear is painful. infection...

3 Gratitudes for Day 29 - Thurs
1. That I saw a doctor before things got worse!
2. Got pampered in office
3. Slept early - no choice

3 Gratitudes for Day 30 - Fri
1. For good faculties. Can even drive despite my condition. Thank God for good roads. 

3 Gratitudes for Day 31 - Sat
1. Slept in!
2. Did NO work at all
3. Revisited playing some nice games :)


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