HDB Hunt 1: Blk 335 Serangoon Avenue 3 - 2nd October 2009

. Sunday, October 25, 2009
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This was the first flat we visited on 2nd Oct 09 in the evening.

Blk 335 Serangoon Avenue 3
7th Floor Corridor Flat (lift level)
Area:  97sqm
Price: $320,000 (V) + $40,000(COV)

The owner renovated this house about 10 years ago. Quite a good condition.

This is the master bedroom. Room is quite pleasant except it is quite squeezy. There are quite a number of mirrors. We don't really fancy the wardrobe as well.

I think this master toilet is actually quite decent after seeing the 2 houses after this.

Same master room

This room is quite spacious actually. It faces the corridor and you can see that if you leave any valuables at the cupboard, confirm will get stolen one. This will be the "OCBC" room or a study best.

The other bedroom is quite nice as well. A bit of space and the sills are not as oh-biang as outside or like most other flats.

Kitchen not too bad. Not exactly spacious and little cooking area.

A lot of living room space but hard to plan how to arrange the stuff around.

The corridor to the flat and me wearing my shoes to go off. The space there is huge.

The corridor facing into the flat. Just next to the corner flat.

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