Day 2 to Better Work

. Wednesday, February 13, 2013
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gratitude. =)
gratitude. =) (Photo credit: camerakarrie)

My 3 Gratitudes for Today:
1) That I am in London
2) That I have work
3) That I am learning a lot

Random Act of Kindness - sharing my passion and knowledge with someone today

Positive Experience: 
Sitting down with the guys today to come up with the department action schedule for the year helped in developing a greater clarity of what we do and how we should move on in the year ahead. Things are still a little vague but at least we know what goes where and when we have to do them.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The typical kiasu me + Catholic blood made sure I stuffed myself for dinner before the impending 40 days of fasting. Not all 40 days I guess because I am sure going to be stuffed with food when I am back in Singapore for a later CNY celebration.

Boy I miss my family and friends.
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