"The Happy Secret To Better Work" - Day 8 - 13

. Wednesday, March 19, 2014
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3 Gratitudes for Day 8 (Thurs):
1. Going for an Indian Fashion show
2. Meeting some Taiwanese friends
3. Had a nice long walk

3 Gratitudes for Day 9 (Fri):
1. Being able to get away early 
2. Visiting the convention centre :)
3. It's the weekend!!!!!! 

3 Gratitudes for Day 10 (Sat):
1. Going out for a long walk again and nua-ed most of the day
2. Attended mass
3. Discovering a nice game on facebook. hehe.

3 Gratitudes for Day 11 (Sun):
1. Completed a decent amount of work
2. Stuffed myself silly
3. Being able to talk to imm imm for some time

3 Gratitudes for Day 12 (Mon):
1. Finally settling my new accommodation in Cape Town!
2. Coming more to terms with the things i cannot do
3. For the gift of kids!

3 Gratitudes for Day 13 (Tues):
1. Managed to come to JNB for meeting
2. Able to meet Richard and gang before they flew off (nice that my flights were delayed!)
3. Having a good talk on work with my boss


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